Spur Straps

KO TRADING’S Spur Straps are an essential item that is always a popular award!
Choose from a variety of styles and colors.  Create a unique one-of-a-kind spur strap with custom conchos and custom buckles.  Or create your own custom combination – a concho or buckle paired up with one of our stock pieces of hardware for a great looking pair of spur straps to fit any budget!

BUCKAROO Spur Straps:
Sizes Available: 
Medium and Large
Colors Available: Natural or Antique
Available with or without Dots
Patterns available: Basketweave or Floral
Add a Custom Concho or a Custom Buckle or BOTH!
Normal delivery time is four to six weeks.

STANDARD Spur Straps:
Sizes available: Small, Medium, Large
Colors Available: Natural or Antique
Available with or without Dots
Patterns available: Basketweave, Floral, Plain, Harness Leather
Add a Custom Buckle to complete the set!
Lasering not available on Standard Spur Straps

LASERED Spur Straps:
Sizes Available:
Small, Medium, Large
Colors Available: Natural
Available with or without Dots
Patterns Available: Basketweave, Floral, Plain, Harness Leather
Add a custom buckle or Lasering or both!